July 19, 2008

Forget left/right, ask to hit the egg.

Well, considering the fact that it's 10 minutes until 4am. I feel that I'm at a disadvantage. However, looking out my window, which is only, 2 inches at most at this angle, I see an almost full moon, the space needle, and the periodic white and red lights flashing from I-5, whose bridge acts as an artery, connecting the university of washington, and any soul north of it, to downtown seattle. I'd watch out for 2nd ave. So my evening is no failure. I've even got ani with me, circa 1999, stretching my toes.

Today I did the movie thing with Colleen "Judy Garland", and my roommate. The new batman. It was whatever. People feel deep when the movie weaves glossy darkness with emotional moments involving bombs. Also watched the first three episodes of weeds.

I wanted to get some things down. But it all seems to come and pass. Every once in a while I'll jot something down on a black piece of paper while staring into the walls during my linguistics classes. Chewing gum. Waiting for a romance languauge to be mentioned so I can chime in, or just listen. Either way. It has come to be on this paper.

I watched the movie Running With Scissors. The other day. Went out the next day and bought the book. I don't believe it. At the time I felt it blew my face off - now I realise it just opened my eyes. The blowing the face off is an overeggaeration fascilitated by my infatuation with odd family relations. It's either a reoccurance in the media, or more simply a reoccurance in life itself; odd family relations, that is.

I may take CSE 142 next quarter. But it sets me back a class. I don't know. Sounds like something I want to consider.

My room is caving in on me. I am looking forward to the beginning of august, when I can convince myself to start packing my shit and stacking boxes and throwing massive amounts of clothes and shit away. I need to make changes this summer.

I need to make changes.

Not sleeping wasn't something that I wanted included in that.

I have words I want to know
Forget. Olvidar. Esquecer. Oublier.
Left-Right. a la izquierda-derecha. à esquerda-dereita. sur la gauche - a droite.
Ask. a la izquierda. à esquerda. sur la gauche.
Hit. golpear. golpear. frapper?
Egg. huevo. ovo. oeuf.