December 1, 2007

An Alternation of Generation

I can see myself in the mirror. 15, 16 years ago. completely unaware. 12 years of school. life. relationships. consequences. middle school. high school. university.
I can still see the same person in the reflection of the window. in seattle, and himself. The next 2 weeks will be a test.

you need to OWN what's coming
because you do

When everything is not working. when everything is ACHING to be fixed. boring. sad. motionless.
I can't help but to stop. and think. of the. back and forth. the to and fro. the up and down. the alternation. of generations. diploid. haploid. sporophyte. gametophyte.

even when it is not thought of. it still goes. the primary producers will remain so, until their matter and energy seizes to exist, by whatever means.

I do not pretend to know much
I do not pretend to be much
But this I acknowledge: our life. your life. everything. is a chemical reaction. one can't deny that it has achieved a perpetuating property. we call this whatever. reproduction. reactions. mitosis. my oh sis.

I will sit down tomorrow. And go to the library. and START what must be finished.
I don't think the snow can stop me.

We don't owe anything anything. We can't, however, stop thinking about it. And to acknowledge the existence of these reactions. Is to be alive. We are all alive. Life is repeat. Reproducts. Reproductive molecules. Synthesis. Division. Diversity.

LIFE is shaped by a selection. Because of these properties.

This is what I study. This is why. I study life because I am life. And because there is nothing more real.

ain't that the truth. The TRUTH is that WE don't know anything. We can only process stimuli. Which we do. And this gives us an advantage. Biologically. We process. So much. So fast. We've constructed emotions to explain our reactions. But that's all they are. Reactions. Everything we feel. Everything we think. Can be stopped. In time. And zoom in. Break down everything. And you will always find. Protons. Neutrons. And Electrons. Charges. Billions. Owning you. Creating you.

Our burdens are only a product of our analysis.

Our analyzes are only a product of stimuli.

Our stimulus is the world. Is you. Is me. Is everything.

Tomorrow is the present. I am ready to generate an alternation.

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